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Fahrplan zu null Emissionen: BEVs und FCEVs

Eine „kombinierte Welt“ aus Brennstoffzellen-Elektrofahrzeugen (FCEVs) und batteriebetriebenen Elektrofahrzeugen (BEVs) wird einen umweltfreundlicheren Transportsektor schaffen, der schneller und kostengünstiger ist als die Nutzung einer dieser Lösungen allein.

Hydrogen Council, with analytical support from McKinsey and Company, published a report that highlights the complementary roles of FCEVs and BEVs in a decarbonised transportation sector. 

Die Analyse ergab, dass jede Lösung vergleichbare systemische Effizienzen und ähnliche CO2-Emissionen aufweist2 life cycle intensity. From the vehicle user perspective, FCEVs and BEVs will provide the flexibility and convenience to meet their specific context of use and geographic location. Additionally, the costs of two supporting infrastructure for FCEVs and BEVs is cheaper than one infrastructure network, primarily due to the reduced peak loads and avoidance of costly upgrades on the electricity grid. The report’s messages were developed in dialogue with the Observatory Group, which consisted of representatives of government agencies and academia, as well as associations and companies active in sectors like regenerative electricity generation, electricity grid equipment manufacturing, electric vehicle charging, fleet management.

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