Hydrogen Insights 2024

Hydrogen Insights 2024 offers the Hydrogen Council’s latest perspective on the industry’s evolution. It highlights key trends from the past four years and shares the latest data on global hydrogen project deployment across the value chain.

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Hydrogen for Net Zero

The report “Hydrogen for Net Zero” presents an ambitious, yet realistic deployment scenario until 2030 and 2050 to achieve Net Zero emissions, considering the uses of hydrogen in industry, power, mobility, and buildings.

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Position paper: Invest in hydrogen for robust, resilient and sustainable growth as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic

The Hydrogen Council, a global coalition of 100+ CEOs working to enable the energy transition through hydrogen, calls on governments around the world to invest in hydrogen as part of their COVID-19 recovery plans. Hydrogen technologies can empower a more robust, resilient and sustainable economy; however, urgent action and global collaboration is required to deliver on their unique potential.

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Podcast — A New Hope for Hydrogen? – The Hydrogen Council with Air Liquide and Toyota

Pierre-Etienne Franc, Co-Secretary of the Hydrogen Council and Vice President for the Hydrogen Energy World Business Unit at Air Liquide, along with Stephan Herbst, General Manager at Toyota Motor Europe, introduce the Hydrogen Council’s strategy, vision, and perspective on hydrogen’s pivotal role in the energy transition. They discuss how collaboration between companies and policymakers can facilitate this transition.

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Hydrogen, Scaling Up

Taking the Hydrogen Council’s vision for hydrogen to the next level, the study entitled Hydrogen, Scaling up outlines a comprehensive and quantified roadmap to scale deployment and its enabling impact on the energy transition.

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How Hydrogen Empowers the Energy Transition

This report, commissioned by the Hydrogen Council and announced in conjunction with the launch of the initiative at the World Economic Forum in January 2017, details the future potential that hydrogen is ready to provide, and sets out the vision of the Council and the key actions it considers fundamental for policy makers to implement, to fully unlock and empower the contribution of hydrogen to the energy transition.

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