Marking the start of the 2019 G20 Summit in Japan, the mountain resort of Karuizawa was abuzz last weekend with discussions on how to solve the biggest issues facing the international energy community. At a time when hydrogen technologies are gaining unprecedented momentum and support from governments and industry, hydrogen was on the agenda for several ministerial-level sessions – and Hydrogen Council members were there leading the way.
At the invitation of Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Hydrogen Council participated in official G20 events designed to elevate the benefits of a hydrogen economy and chart a path forward for those at the highest levels of government. Dedicated to coordinating collaboration between industry, investors, and policymakers, the Hydrogen Council advocated for immediate action as the most viable way to achieve a successful energy transition. And, to show the world what action looks like, the Hydrogen Council hosted a packed session with industry, investors and government officials to discuss the innovative financing schemes necessary to increase development and deployment of real-world hydrogen projects around the globe.
The Hydrogen Council was also honoured to participate in the launch of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) landmark report analysing the state of play for hydrogen solutions and offering guidance on their future development. The Hydrogen Council commends the report’s findings and agrees wholeheartedly with the conclusion that, working together, we need to take advantage of the momentum behind hydrogen to scale up technologies and bring down costs with the help of the right government policies.
It was an exciting weekend – but we’re just getting started. Now with 60 members covering all key geographies and sectors, the Council marches on and is looking forward to continued collaboration, engagement, enthusiasm and success as we move from this milestone to the next.

Hydrogen Council Helps Launch ‘Future of Hydrogen’ Report with IEA & METI
On Friday, 14 June, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and METI co-hosted an event to launch the IEA’s report, The Future of Hydrogen: Seizing Today’s Opportunities. IEA Executive Director, Fatih Birol presented the report exclusively before a room of Hydrogen Council members – including Toyota, BP, Engie, and Johnson Matthey – and shared the IEA’s key findings on the potential for hydrogen, barriers to deployment, and the four opportunities to scale up use. Minister Sekō congratulated IEA on the report’s launch and Hydrogen Council Co-Chair Benoît Potier noted the significance of the first-of-its-kind hydrogen report from the reputable global organisation.

The event was a great kick-off to the weekend – with the report and the Council’s involvement covered by major news outlets – and was followed by a high-level celebratory dinner with key stakeholders. There, Hydrogen Council Co-Chair Euisun Chung welcomed guests with an invitation to continue working together towards the energy transition, with hydrogen leading the way.

View photos from the events here.
Read the IEA’s press release here.
Read the METI press release here.
Get the full report here.
Strategising with Investors to #ScaleUp
On Saturday, 15 June, the Hydrogen Council hosted its own event, #HydrogenNow: Investing in the Energy Transition. The event convened Council members, government officials, investors and industry associations to showcase flagship hydrogen projects around the world and discuss ways to overcome the bottlenecks that prevent the investment needed for large-scale hydrogen deployment.
The message to the packed room was clear: there are multi-billion-dollar hydrogen projects already in production or soon to deploy, so now is the time to invest. A roundtable discussion provided the investment community the opportunity to share its perspective on the concrete next steps that will help bring hydrogen technologies up to scale. Government officials spoke to the policies and incentives that will encourage research and development.
Keynote speakers included:
- Timur Gül, Head of the Energy Technology Policy division, IEA
- Teiko Kudo, Head of Financial Solutions Unit and Deputy Head of International Bank Unit, SMBC
- Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, Deputy Director General for Energy, European Commission
- Bernd Heid, Senior Partner, McKinsey
View photos from the event here.
Advocating for Hydrogen at the G20 Ministerial Meeting
At the invitation of METI, Hydrogen Council Co-chairs Potier and Chung, along with Toyota Chairman Takeshi Uchiyamada, gave a joint speech before G20 energy and environment ministers.
Speaking on behalf of the Hydrogen Council, the CEOs presented the ministers with the Council’s hydrogen vision for 2050 – scaling up production to reduce CO2 emissions and limit global temperatures, creating $2.5 trillion in market value, and providing employment for 30 million people. The CEOs used their time to advocate for hydrogen technologies and supportive policies; to provide an update on industry’s plans to accelerate production and distribution globally; and to offer the Council’s help in enabling real change through concrete actions and measurable results.